Permeabilization of bacteria including treatment with enzymatic L

Permeabilization of bacteria including treatment with enzymatic Lysis Solution at 52+/-1°C followed by an incubation GSK2118436 ic50 in ethanol. Hybridization with DNA-molecular beacon probes was carried out in a hotplate hybridization chamber at 52+/-1°C followed by an incubation in a Stop Solution bath for 1 minute. This step ensures that all unbound beacons are pushed back into the closed conformation. Slides were dried, covered with mounting medium and evaluated under a fluorescence microscope. Two filter sets are required. One detects the probes labeled with ATTO550 (red channel, absorption max 554 nm/emission max 576 nm),

the other one those labeled with FAM (green channel, absorption max 494 nm/emission max 520 nm). Total turn-around time of the hemoFISH® assay was approximately 45 minutes (15 min of ACP-196 cell line hands-on time plus the time required for microscopic observation). The list of fluorescently labeled probes used for the strain identification is the following: Enterobacteriaceae 4SC-202 price spp., E.coli, K.pneumoniae, S.marcescens, P.mirabilis, P.vulgaris, Salmonella spp., P.aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., S.maltophilia, H.influenzae (for the hemoFISH G(-) Panel) and Staphylococcus spp., S.aureus, Streptococcus spp., S.pneumoniae, S.pyogenes,

S.agalactiae, C.perfringens, E.faecium, E.faecalis (for the hemoFISH G(+) Panel). The first field of the slide serves as an intrinsic control of the procedure. It contains a probe that detects most Eubacteria, giving Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase a positive signal only in the red channel. When turning to the green channel, no fluorescence should be visible. On the remaining fields, there might be pairs of probes, labeled either with FAM or ATTO 550, giving either a red or a green fluorescent signal when the specific target is encountered. If a specific target is not encountered, the unbound probes are pushed

back into the initial closed conformation and no fluorescent signal is generated. Due to the use of molecular beacons, the washing step, known to be a critical and error-prone step during the FISH procedure, can be omitted. Statistical analysis For database processing, data from BacT/ALERT 3D® and VITEK 2® system were downloaded as text files into Microsoft Excel with subsequent transfer of it into a Microsoft Access database for analysis. Final tabulation of TAT was performed using Access with report generation, including graphs, created in Excel. The comparisons between the two techniques are expressed as proportions. Standard descriptive statistical methods (such as mean) were calculated, and a comparison of the proportions was performed using a two-tailed Chi squared test. Differences were considered to be significant for a p-value ≤ 0.05 [30].

Infect Immun 2010, 78:5214–5222 PubMedCrossRef 35 Bailey MJ, Hug

Infect Immun 2010, 78:5214–5222.PubMedCrossRef 35. Bailey MJ, Hughes C, Koronakis V: In vitro recruitment of the RfaH regulatory protein into a specialised transcription complex, directed by the nucleic acid ops element. Mol Gen Genet 2000, 262:1052–1059.PubMedCrossRef 36. Naville M, Ghuillot-Gaudeffroy A, Marchais A, Gautheret D: ARNold: a web tool for the prediction of Rho-independent transcription terminators. RNA Biol 2011, 8:11–13.PubMedCrossRef 37. Hawley DK, McClure WR: Compilation and analysis see more of Escherichia coli promoter DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res 1983,

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The SHG44-DKK-1 cells appeared similar to the non-transfected cel

The SHG44-DKK-1 cells appeared similar to the non-transfected cells and sometimes formed

clusters (Fig. 1c, d). Figure 1 Microscopic images of different groups cells in selection. Normal SHG44 (1a), normal SHG44 cells cultured in the presence of G418 for two weeks (1b); and SHG44-DKK-1 cells cultured in the presence of G418 for three weeks (1c, 1d). PCR analysis of DKK-1 in SHG44 cells DNA was extracted from cells of normal SHG44, SHG44-EV and SHG44 -DKK-1. The extracted DNA was CX 5461 amplified by PCR using the primer pair described above. As expected, a 223bp fragment was observed in SHG44 -DKK-1cells, but not in normal SHG44, or SHG44 -EV cells (Fig. 2). This result further confirmed the specific LGX818 concentration transfection of DKK-1 gene into the SHG44 cells. Figure 2 PCR amplification of DKK-1 SHG 44 -DKK-1 cells was lane 1, SHG 44 -EV was lane 2, normal SHG 44 cells was lane 3 and control (culture medium only) was lane 4. M was the marker for standard DNA molecular mass. DKK-1 mRNA expression in SHG44 cells RNA extracted from normal SHG44, SHG44-EV and SHG44 -DDK-1 cells was amplified by RT-PCR and subsequently analyzed by DNA gel. A prominent 223 bp band was detected from SHG44 -DKK-1 cells, but non-detectable

from SHG44 -EV cells or normal SHG44 cells (Fig. 3). Figure 3 RT-PCR analysis of DKK-1 mRNA expression. HSP inhibitor Lane 1, 3 and 5 β-actin from cells of SHG44-DKK-1, SHG44-EV and normal SHG44 respectively. Lane 2, 4, 6 were DKK-1 mRNA from cells of SHG44-DKK-1, SHG44-EV and normal SHG44 respectively. M was the marker of standard DNA molecular mass. DKK-1 protein expression in SHG44 cells The total protein Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 exacted from normal SHG44, SHG44-EV and SHG44 -DDK-1 cells was separated using 12% SDS-PAGE and was subsequently analyzed by Western

blot. A 35KD band, which corresponds to the size of DKK-1 protein was observed in SHG44 -DKK-1 cells, but not in SHG44 -EV or normal SHG44 cells (Fig. 4). Figure 4 Western blot analysis of DKK-1 protein. It showing DKK-1 protein from cells of normal SHG44 (lane 1), SHG44-EV (lane 2) and SHG44-DKK-1 (Lane 3). β-actin was used as loading control. BCNU induced apoptosis BCNU is an anti-cancer drug and an inducer of apoptotic cell death. We used BCNU to further assess the role of DKK-1 in SHG44 cells. Apoptosis was observed in all three groups of cells: normal SHG44, SHG44-EV and SHG44 -DDK-1. The average apoptosis ratio of normal SHG44, SHG44-EV cells and SHG44 -DKK-1, was2.5 ± 0.2%, 1.8 ± 0.2%, 8.4 ± 0.3%, respectively(Fig. 5). The apoptosis ratio of SHG44 -DKK-1 cells was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of normal SHG44 or SHG44-EVcells. Minimal apoptosis was observed in all three groups of cells in the absence of BCNU. Figure 5 Apoptosis ratio was detected by flow cytometry analysis. Representative image of flow cytometry analysis of BCNU treated cells, showing the apoptosis ratio (right lower-quadrant) of normal SHG44 (a), SHG44-EV (b) and SHG44-DKK-1 (c) cells.

After adjustment for confounders, this simple final DGGE model in

After adjustment for confounders, this simple final DGGE model including only 2 bands (band 60.1 and band 45.9) remained

significantly associated with the API index (table 2). The accuracy of predicting asthma at the age of 3 years using this final DGGE model is shown in table 4. The model allows correct classification of 73% (80/110) of the cases. Table 4 Accuracy of final DGGE model* in predicting API status at age 3 years   API index   N     Pos Neg     DGGE model Pos. 13 19 32 PPV = 41% DGGE model Neg. 11 67 78 NPV = 86% Total 24 86 110     54% S 78% Sp   X2, p = 0.002 Overall correct classification: 80/110 = 73% API prevalence: 24/110 = 22% Final DGGE model: Positive: presence of band 60.1 (Clostridium coccoides subcluster XIVa) or band 45.9 (Bacteroides fragilis subgroup) Negative: absence of band 60.1 (Clostridium coccoides subcluster XIVa) and band 45.9 (Bacteroides fragilis subgroup) N: number of cases PPV: buy BI 10773 positive predictive value NPV: negative predictive value S: sensitivity Sp: specificity This means that, according to our findings, early intestinal colonization of infants with AG-881 cell line bacteria belonging to the Bacteroides fragilis group and/or to the Clostridium check details coccoides subcluster XIVa is associated with an increased risk for the development of asthma at the

age of 3 years. These bacteria are strict anaerobes and are part of the dominant genera of the normal intestinal microbiota observed in adults. We could not detect any bacterial taxa that were associated with health (API negative status).

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, the bacterial genera generally used as probiotics and considered by definition of having a beneficial effect on health could not be associated with a reduced risk of asthma. However it cannot be excluded that our inability to demonstrate a beneficial effect of certain bacterial taxa on infant health was caused by the limited sensitivity of the DGGE method that we used. Discussion This study shows an association between early colonisation with a Bacteroides fragilis subgroup species and asthma later in life. We also showed in this study that a Clostridium coccoides subcluster XIVa species is an early indicator of asthma later in life. This is the first prospective study that links Clostridium coccoides subcluster XIVa to API, a clinically relevant risk Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II factor for developing asthma. Differences in feeding pattern, use of antibiotics, gender, maternal smoking in pregnancy or parental socio-economic status cannot explain the findings. Asthma is a frequently occurring condition in children with up to 50% of infants and children suffering of one or more episodes of wheezing below the age of 6 years. The diagnosis of asthma is not straightforward since no simple clinical tools are available to discriminate children prone to develop persistent asthma from those who will not. The ‘Asthma Prediction Index’ has been associated with an increased risk for asthma at school age [10].

Hirsch FR, Varella-Garcia M, Bunn PA Jr, et al : Epidermal growth

Hirsch FR, Varella-Garcia M, Bunn PA Jr, et al.: Epidermal growth factor receptor in non-small-cell lung carcinomas: correlation between gene copy number and protein expression and impact on prognosis. J Clin Oncol 2003, 21:3798–3807.PubMedCrossRef 26. Fountzilas G, Kalogera-Fountzila A, et al.: MMP9 but Not EGFR, MET, ERCC1, P16, and P-53 Is Associated with Response to Concomitant Radiotherapy, Cetuximab, and Weekly Cisplatin in Patients with Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. J Oncol

2009, 2009:305908.PubMedCrossRef 27. Hirsch FR, Varella-Garcia M, McCoy J, et al.: MLN2238 manufacturer Increased epidermal growth factor receptor gene copy number detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization associates with increased sensitivity to gefitinib in patients with bronchioloalveolar carcinoma subtypes: a Southwest Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol

2005, 23:6838–6845.PubMedCrossRef 28. Cappuzzo F, Marchetti A, Skokan M, et al.: Increased MET gene copy number negatively affects survival of surgically resected non-small-cell lung cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 2009, 27:1667–1674.PubMedCrossRef click here 29. Zhu CQ, da Cunha Santos G, Ding K, et al.: Role of KRAS and EGFR as biomarkers of response to erlotinib in National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Study BR.21. J Clin Oncol 2008, 26:4268–4275.PubMedCrossRef 30. Thatcher N, Chang A, Parikh P, et al.: Gefitinib plus best supportive care in previously treated patients with refractory advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: results from a randomised,

placebo-controlled, multicentre study (Iressa Survival Evaluation in Lung Cancer). Lancet 2005, 366:1527–1537.PubMedCrossRef 31. Douillard JY, Shepherd FA, Hirsh V, et al.: Molecular predictors of outcome with gefitinib and docetaxel in previously treated non-small-cell lung cancer: data from the randomized phase III INTEREST trial. J Clin Oncol 2010, 28:744–752.PubMedCrossRef 32. Maemondo M, Inoue A, Kobayashi K, et al.: Gefitinib or chemotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer with mutated EGFR. N Engl J Thalidomide Med 2010, 362:2380–2388.PubMedCrossRef 33. Mitsudomi T, Morita S, Yatabe Y, et al.: Gefitinib versus cisplatin plus docetaxel in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer harbouring mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (WJTOG3405): an open label, randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2010, 11:121–128.PubMedCrossRef 34. Zucali PA, Ruiz MG, Giovannetti E, et al.: Role of cMET expression in non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Ann Oncol 2008, 19:1605–1612.PubMedCrossRef 35. Jenkins RB, Qian J, Lee HK, et al.: A molecular cytogenetic analysis of 7q31 in prostate cancer. Cancer Res 1998, 58:759–766.PubMed 36. Reinersman JM, Johnson ML, Riely GJ, et al.: Frequency of EGFR and KRAS mutations in lung adenocarcinomas in African Americans. J Thorac Oncol 2011, 6:28–31.PubMedCrossRef Competing interests Consultant or Advisory role: Dr. S. Murray, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, LCZ696 Germany.

Our RAPD dendrogram also indicated high diversity of the H paras

Our RAPD dendrogram also indicated high diversity of the H. parasuis strains, with only field isolates 1 and 13 being identical. Although there was no definite correlation between serovar and pathogenicity, most ML323 of the isolates that were serotypeable and from diseased animals clustered in Clade C. Other genomic methods such as MEE and MLST [16, 17], also did not completely discriminate field isolates of H. parasuis. Blackall et al. [16] found 34 different electrophoretic

types from 40 field isolates and 8 ATM/ATR inhibitor reference serovars, which clustered into 2 major subdivisions, which were not associated with virulence. Olvera et al. [17] concluded that subgroups of 120 field isolates and 11 reference serovars clustered into branches containing avirulent, nasal isolates and virulent, systemic isolates. However, 36 additional clinical

isolates did not cluster within the virulent branch. Two different studies [53, 54] combined serotyping and IHA methods and concluded that isolates of serovars 4, 5, 13, and NT isolates were the most prevalent in 2004 and 2005, with serovar 4 the most frequently isolated from the respiratory tract while NT isolates were usually systemic isolates. This 17DMAG ic50 study’s field isolates were known to be systemic except for isolates 25 and 26, and included serovars 2, 4, 5, 12, and 13, identified by available serotyping reagents. The serovars used in this study were the six most prevalent Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II in the United States and Canada [51, 55]. The range of NT (15-31%) to the frequency of identification

of serovars 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, and 14 (76-41%), respectively, by immunodiffusion [32] compares to the frequencies of our “Unk” (51.6%) and six identified serovars (48.3%). Some of our field isolates may have lost the expression of their polysaccharide capsule in vitro and may not be able to be serotyped presently [12, 51] as can be inferred from field isolate 30, which was serotype 4 in 1999 but “Unk” in our study. Field isolate 30 may have lost an enzyme involved in the polysaccharide capsule synthesis. All of our field isolates of known serotype were associated with animals with systemic disease. The majority of field isolates of known serotype were in clade C of the RAPD experiment except for isolates 7, 9, and 23 and in clades B and C of the WCL experiment. Rapp-Gabrielson and Gabrielson [51] and Olvera et al. [17] noted that the distribution of H. parasuis serovars isolated from healthy animals may differ from that found in diseased animals and that more than one serovar could be isolated from the same animal or same isolation site. Our study also identified isolates with different serovars within the same farm site (field isolates 9–11) and in from the same isolation sites in the same animal (field isolates 19–22).

Creating and maintaining sites of ATP turnover and enhancing meta

Creating and maintaining sites of ATP turnover and enhancing metabolic expenditure through resistance training can help prevent an age-associated decline in metabolic rate and undesirable gains in fat mass [2, 4, 5]. A high percentage of body fat is associated with hyperlipidemia, a known cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk learn more factor [3]. Given that

the relative risk of CVD for physically inactive individuals versus active individuals is 1.5–2.4 and that 60% of U.S. adults do not participate in regular physical activity [6], the benefit of resistance exercise in reducing CVD risk is widely recognized and is supported by all major health organizations [2, 7]. Promoting the benefits and encouraging participation in this low-cost activity could help prevent CVD and other behavior-driven chronic diseases, and may provide significant cost-savings to an over-burdened IWR 1 health care system. Amino acid availability is an important regulator of muscle protein metabolism during resistance training exercise [8]. Muscle net protein balance must be positive (greater muscle protein synthesis than breakdown) to experience an increase in muscle mass, which occurs only when sufficient amino acids are available in the intracellular pool. Whey and soy are both high quality sources

of protein and popular supplements in the exercise community. It has been suggested soy supplementation may reduce CVD risk, a benefit that consumption of whey protein does not provide. Both proteins are easily

digestible and have similar absorption kinetics [9], but some controversy exists whether soy will support skeletal muscle protein accretion in response to resistance training as effectively as whey. Phillips et al [10] reported that whey was superior to soy in stimulating amino acid uptake during a resistance training program. More recently Anthony et al [9] observed similar protein synthesis rates in exercised skeletal muscle in rats who ingested either whey or soy protein. In addition, several human studies observed no differences in either strength gains or increases in lean mass in resistance trained subjects who supplemented their diets with either soy or whey [10–13]. Etofibrate While supplementation with whey protein is popular with weight lifting enthusiasts, mainly to IKK inhibitor promote gains in muscle size, supplementing with soy protein is not as common. But, because of its potential to improve blood lipid profiles [14–16] soy consumption may be more appealing to a sub-set of exercisers – those at moderate or high risk for CVD. Soy’s non-essential amino acid content favors post-prandial production of glucagon, which, as opposed to insulin, down-regulates lipogenic enzymes and lowers cholesterol synthesis [17]. Soy also has a number of other physiologically active compounds with cholesterol-lowering properties such as isoflavones, fiber, and phytoestrogens [14, 15, 18, 19].


stratification is at the base of patient selection


stratification is at the base of patient selection. The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) study of large bowel obstruction caused by colorectal cancer identified four important predictors of outcome – age, ASA grade, operative urgency, and Dukes’ stage [5]. Similar results were shown by other studies [14, 20]. Recent large studies demonstrated that mortality rate after PRA of obstructive right colon cancer is higher than mortality after PRA for OLCC [5, 14, 21], whereas one study did not show any difference [22]. This findings could be explained by the fact that almost all patients with right-sided Seliciclib supplier obstruction are treated by one stage resection and anastomosis, whereas patients with OLCC are carefully

selected according to risk. Keeping in mind these considerations the HP could be appropriate for patients deemed to be at high risk. Moreover the same considerations could explain the results of a questionnaire survey of American Gastrointestinal Surgeons in 2001 who responded that 67% would perform HP and 26% a simple colostomy in the high-risk patient [23]. Otherwise we should assume a lack of adherence to the literature evidence in the clinical practice or difficulty in changing from Vadimezan surgical AZD5582 datasheet tradition. The experience and subspecialty of surgeon seems to be a primary factor in the choice of anastomosis or end colostomy. It has been shown that primary anastomosis is more likely to be performed by colorectal consultants rather than general surgeons, and by consultants rather than unsupervised trainees [20]. The

ACPGBI study has shown that the mortality rate following surgery was similar between ACPGBI and non-ACPGBI members [5]. This result can be challenged as the study was done on a voluntary basis. The Large Bowel Cancer Project showed that registrars had a higher mortality rate than consultants after primary resection for obstruction in the late 1970 s, and this result has remained unchanged 20 years later in the Zorcolo study [1, 20]. Other studies have also shown that unsupervised trainees had significantly greater morbidity, mortality and anastomotic dehiscence rates [10, 24]. Recommendation:HP ADAMTS5 offers no overall survival benefit compared to segmental colonic resection with primary anastomosis in OLCC (Grade of recommendation 2C+); HP should be considered in patients with high surgical risk (Grade of recommendation 2C) Primary resection and anastomosis (PRA): total or subtotal colectomy (TC) vs. segmental colectomy (SC) There is only one RCT, write out SCOTIA study group (Subtotal Colectomy versus on Table Irrigation and Anastomosis) in 1995, that compared the TC (47 patients) vs. SC (44 patients) and ICI. There were no differences in mortality, overall morbidity and rates of single complications (superficial and deep surgical site infections, anastomotic leakage).

Bacteria were cultured at 37°C in Luria-Bertani medium supplement

Bacteria were cultured at 37°C in Luria-Bertani medium supplemented with 3% (w/v) NaCl (LBN) and the addition of 1.5% (w/v) agar where appropriate. The human epithelial intestinal Caco-2 and cervical HeLa cell lines were obtained from the DSMZ (German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures). Caco-2 cells were grown as a monolayer in Dulbecco’s Combretastatin A4 concentration Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine (Gibco), Pen-Strep (100 units/ml penicillin, 100 μg/ml streptomycin, (Gibco), 1% non-essential this website amino acids (Gibco) and 20% (v/v) Foetal Bovine Serum (Gibco) at 37°C, 5% CO2. All materials used were purchased from Sigma, unless otherwise stated. Measurement of absorbance

of samples in 96-well plates was performed using a Tecan Sunrise and Magellan software. Construction of deletion mutant strains Molecular biology techniques MRT67307 purchase were performed according to Sambrook and Russell [55]. PCR reagents were obtained from Bioline, DNA purification kits and molecular biology enzymes from Promega and oligonucleotides from MWG/Eurofins. The standard PCR reaction volume was 50 μl, containing 50 ng template DNA, 400 nM each primer and 1× Polymerase Mix (Bioline). 1st round PCR reactions in the

overlap extension method were performed with Accuzyme polymerase and the standard PCR conditions were 3 min at 95°C (1 cycle), 30 sec at 95°C, 30 sec at 58°C, 2 min/kb at 68°C (30 cycles), 5 min at 68°C (1 cycle). Other PCR reactions were performed with Taq polymerase, and an extension time and temperature of 30 sec/kb and 72°C, respectively. In some cases the annealing temperature was optimised for a specific PCR reaction. In-frame deletion mutations were constructed in the vscN genes of each of the V. parahaemolyticus TTSS in order to inactivate each of these secretion systems independently. As the vscN gene encodes the ATPase that powers the secretion process, mutation of this gene eliminates secretion. The TTSS1-associated VscN1 is encoded by vp1668 and TTSS2-associated VscN2 is encoded by vpa1338. Each mutant allele was

constructed by overlap PCR. The primers PrAB49 (AACGCGAACGCCACCGTC), PrAB50 (TCTGCTACGCGCTGCTTGAGC), PrAB51 ADP ribosylation factor (ACTTGCAGACAACTCTCCAACGCGTAC) and PrAB52 (GGAGAGTTGTCTGCAAGTCGAGTGATG) were used for generation of the vscN1 Δ142-1065 allele encoding VscN1Δ51-355. Primers PrAB45 (GCCATCAGGTCAAGTGCAAG), PrAB47 (TCTATAGCTATTTCACCGCGGATTCTC), PrAB48 (CGGTGAAATAGCTATAGAACGCTACCC) and PrAB59 (GTCTACCGTATCTCGAATGAATAGCG) were employed to generate the vscN2 Δ132-1154 allele encoding VscN2Δ45-385. The PCR products were cloned into pCR2.1 by TA topoisomerase cloning according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen). The alleles were then transferred into the suicide vector pDS132 [56] by extraction with the restriction enzymes SacI and XbaI, for vscN1 and vscN2 respectively, followed by ligation into the corresponding restriction sites of pDS132.

Another research group reported two studies which also used the s

TPCA-1 Results are presented separately for Small molecule library single markers (Table 2) and for marker panels (Table 3) in the identification of cirrhosis (F4 METAVIR) cirrhosis, /severe fibrosis (F3/F4

METAVIR) and ‘significant’ fibrosis (F2-4-Metavir). Test AUROCS Cut off Sens Spec PPV NPV LR+ -LR (95% CI) (95% CI) Cirrhosis Sapanisertib molecular weight Poynard [16] 1991 624 PGA n/r

6 85 85 70 93 5.6 (4.5 7.01) 0.18 (0.12,0.25) Cirrhosis Tran [19] 2000 146 Tran n/r   76 99 98 86 66.8 (9.5,471.2) 0.24 (0.15,0.37) Cirrhosis Naveau [25] 2005 221 Fibrotest 0.95 (0.94, 0.96) 0.3 84 41 39 85 1.4 (1.2,1.7) 0.39 (0.2,0.70) 0.7 60 72 49 80 2.1 (1.6,2.9) 0.55 (0.40,0.75) Cirrhosis Lieber [27] 2006 1034 APRI 0.79 >2.0 17 86 56 50 1.2 (0.9,1.6) 1.0 (0.92,1.02) Cirrhosis Nguyen –Khac [28] 2008 103 Fibrotest 0.84 (0.72,0.97) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r Fibrometer 0.85 (0.74,0.96) n/r n/r n/r n/r GNA12 n/r n/r n/r Hepascore 0.76 (0.63,0.90) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r APRI 0.56 (0.38,0.73) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r PGA 0.89 (0.82 0.97) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r PGAA 0.83 (0.73-0.93) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r Cirrhosis Naveau [30] 2009 218 Fibrotest 0.94 (0.90,0.96) 0.56 90 n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r 0.78 n/r 90 n/r n/r n/r n/r >0.30 100 50 47 100 2.0 0.50 >0.70 87 86 73 94 6.2 0.16 Fibrometer 0.94 (0.90,0.97) 0.92 90 n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r 0.997 n/r 90 n/r n/r n/r n/r >0.50 99 62 54 99 2.6 0.38 >1.0 88 88 76 94 7.3 0.14 Hepascore 0.92 (0.87,0.97) 0.97 90 n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r 0.99 n/r 90 n/r n/r n/r n/r Forns 0.38 (0.27,0.47) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r APRI 0.67 (0.59,0.75) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r FIB4 0.80 (0.72,0.86) n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r F012vs 34 Severe Rosenberg [24] 2004 64 ELF 0.94 (0.84, 1.00) 0.087 100 17 75 100 1.2 (1.1, 1.4) 0.06 (0.01, 0.3) 0.