The GB identity in the GB�� dimer imparts selectivity on its interaction with effectors like phospholipase CB, as well as in the regulation of neutrophil function. Moreover, since selleck inhibitor the G�� component is structurally and expression wise diverse, it imposes additional complexity in signal transduction. For instance, only certain GB�� combinations are linked to significant STAT3 activation. Func tional selectivity of G�� subunits has also been reported . deletion of the Gng3 gene leads to increased susceptibility to seizures in mice with significant reduc tions in GB2 and Gi3 subunit levels in certain brain re gions, whereas knock out of the Gng7 gene is associated with reductions in the Golf subunit content and adenylyl cyclase activity of the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries murine striatum.
These observations demonstrate that members of the G�� subunit family are not functionally interchangeable. It has been suggested Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries that the interaction between GB�� and the PH domain of PKD, or the GB�� induced PLCBPKC activity is critical for the induction of PKD activation. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries However, the relative contribu tion of these two apparently independent events to GB�� mediated PKD activation has yet to be addressed. Recently, GB�� combinations containing G��2 have been shown to be effective activators for PKD, but the relevant capabilities of other GB�� dimers remain unclear. In this report, we demonstrated that all family mem bers of the Gq subfamily can in duce PKD1, PKD2 and PKD3 activation. Gs cannot elicit a PKD response, whereas Gi members may induce PKD activation in a GB�� dependent manner.
For the GB�� induced PKD activation, even in the presence of PLCB2 or PLCB3, only certain GB�� dimer combinations Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries are cap Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries able of activating the kinase effectively. Moreover, we showed that this selective GB�� dimer mediated PKD ac tivation is accompanied by enhanced interaction be tween the two components when PLCB23 is present. Materials and methods Materials HEK293 and Jurkat T cells were obtained from American Type Culture Collection. Pertussis toxin was purchased from List Biological Laboratories. Cell culture reagents including Dulbeccos phosphate buffered saline, trypsin, fetal bovine serum, penicillin streptomycin mixture, RPMI 1640 medium, minimum essential medium, Dulbeccos modified Eagles medium and Lipofectamine PLUSTM were obtained from Invitrogen. The cDNAs encoding PLCB1, PLCB2 and PLCB3 were obtained from Dr.
Richard Ye. Antiserum including anti Flag than and anti HA were purchased from Roche Molecular Bio chemicals. Cell culture reagents in cluding Lipofectamine PlusTM were obtained from Invitrogen. Myo inositol was pur chased from DuPont NEN. M2 affinity gels and protein A agarose were obtained from Sigma. HA PKD1 and FLAG PKD2 con structs were gifts from Dr. J. Van Lint, and Myc PKD3 con structs were kindly provided.