Samples were separated on the column with a gradient of 5% acetonitrile in 0.1% learn more formic acid to 60% acetonitrile in 0.1% formic acid over 45 min. All data were acquired using Masslynx 4.0 software. The mass spectrometer data directed analysis (DDA) acquired MS survey data from m/z 200 to
1500 with the Smad phosphorylation criteria for MS to MS/MS including ion intensity and charge state using a 1-second MS survey scan followed by 1.5-second MS/MS scans, each on three different precursor ions. The Q-Tof micro was programmed to ignore any singly charged species and the collision energy used to perform MS/MS was carried out according to the mass and charge state of the eluting peptide. Precursors detected were excluded from any further MS/MS experiment for 180 seconds. All analyses find more were repeated twice for each sample, and peptides identified in the first run were excluded from the second analysis. Data processing and database
searching The raw data acquired were processed using Proteinlynx module of Masslynx 4.0 to produce *.pkl (peaklist) files. The peptide QA filter was 30 to eliminate poor quality spectra and the minimum peak width at half height was set to 4 to eliminate background noise peaks. Smoothing (x2 Savitzky Golay) and polynomial fitting were performed on all peaks and the centroid taken at 80% of the peak height. The data processed were searched against National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) non-redundant (nr) protein database (version ADP ribosylation factor 20050805; 2,739,666 sequences) and Swiss-Prot (Release 48.7; 190,255 sequences) using an in house MASCOT (Matrix Science, UK) search engine (Version
2.0). Parameters used for the MASCOT search were: Taxonomy Bacteria (Eubacteria), 0.2 Da mass accuracy for parent ions and 0.3 Da accuracy for fragment ions, one missed cleavage was allowed, carbamidomethyl-modification of cysteine and methionine oxidation were used as fixed and variable modifications respectively. Results Purification of MUC7 A rapid two step chromatographic protocol as described by Mehrotra et al. [31] was applied to purify MUC7 from the saliva. This method provided the recovery of this molecule at high purity and in adequate amount (750 μg/ml, as assessed by refractive index measurement, data not shown), enabling MUC7-streptococcus binding studies. Purity of the MUC7 preparation was assessed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting and mass spectrometry. The final purified MUC7 pool from the Mono Q HR 10/10 ion exchange column was electrophoresed in a Midget 7.5% SDS-PAGE gel under reducing conditions and visualized by Coomassie blue staining (Figure 1A).