In each of the sporting disciplines, except team events, a higher proportion of the study participants took energy drinks. In addition, a higher proportion of long
distance and middle distance runners, compared with short distance runners, indicated that they consumed energy drinks. The findings also suggest that a higher proportion of middle distance runners, long distance runners and selleck athletes who actively participate in both track and field events are more likely to consume energy drinks than athletes who participate in only team events and short distance disciplines. Most athletes in the team events group ABT-263 research buy (with the exception of athletes who run as a team in track events) did not drink energy drinks, perhaps because these team events, by their nature, require explosive reactions, coupled with maximum strength, power and techniques rather than sustained energy levels. Therefore consuming energy drinks can offer little or no assistance to athletes who participate in these team events with respect to athletic performance. Also, the duration and intensity of team events can influence the decisions of athletes not to consume energy drinks frequently and in great quantities. It is known
that middle and long distance events require sustained energy levels throughout the events (running at times between moderate to high intensity levels that could last for 40 minutes, an hour or beyond, with minimal or no rest intervals) compared with team events in which sustained energy periods for athletes are of short durations AZD2014 ic50 (with intermittent rest intervals), which may necessarily not require the consumption of energy drinks. Conclusions and suggestions for
further study Consumption of energy drinks is a popular practice among university student-athletes in Ghana, as 62.2% of the study participants reported that they drank at least a can of energy drink in the week prior to the study. Approximately 20.5% of the consumers who were all males drank between 3 and 4 cans per week. Most of the student-athletes who drank energy drinks indicated that the main reason why they drank energy drinks was to help replenish Benzatropine lost energy. Some athletes had wrong perceptions regarding the benefits of energy drinks which include its ability to help replace lost body fluids, improve one’s performance and reduce fatigue when participating in any physical activity. Obviously, these wrong perceptions are as a result of the ignorance of students about the proven positive benefits and negative effects of energy drinks. The results suggest the need to create awareness through health education to prevent the consumption of energy drinks in excessive quantities and correct some wrong perceptions that athletes have regarding the benefits of energy drinks.