This corresponds to a matching of three energy levels enabling th

This corresponds to a matching of three energy levels enabling the flow of polarization from an electron spin

pair to a nucleus. This transfer is driven by the pseudosecular (off-diagonal) part B of the hf interaction. As this pseudosecular part vanishes when hf anisotropy is BTSA1 averaged, the TSM mechanism is absent in the liquid state.   (ii) In the differential decay (DD) mechanism, (Polenova and McDermott 1999) the symmetry between the two decay channels is broken by the different lifetimes of the states of the correlated radical pair. This means that in the two radical pair spin states different fractions of polarization flow from the electrons to the nuclei. The result is an additional imbalance Cilengitide between the fractions

of nuclei in spin-up and spin-down states in the two decay channels. In this case, the energetic matching condition is just 2|ωΙ| = |A|. Again an anisotropic hf coupling is required, so that the DD mechanism is also absent in the liquid state. In this mechanism both coherent spin-state mixing and incoherent radical pair decay contribute to polarization transfer. The efficiency of this mechanism depends on the ratio of both lifetimes. It is remarkable that nature has chosen a ratio which maximizes this effect (Fig. 3) (Transmembrane Transporters inhibitor Jeschke and Matysik 2003). Fig. 3 Dependence of the DD mechanism of the solid-state photo-CIDNP effect on the lifetime of the radical pair. The value found for RCs of Rb. sphaeroides coincides with the maximum effect. TS and TT are the lifetimes of the singlet and the triplet state of the radical pair, respectively   In addition to the

two polarization transfer mechanisms TSM and DD, in samples having a long lifetime of the triplet donor (3P), a third mechanism may occur that creates nuclear polarization: (iii) In the differential relaxation (DR) mechanism the breaking of antisymmetry of the polarization in the singlet and triplet branch occurs in a non-coherent way. The enhanced relaxation of nuclear spins in the proximity of the Acetophenone high-spin donor partially cancels the nuclear polarization in the donor cofactor. Hence, when the 3P lifetime is comparable to or exceeds the paramagnetically enhanced longitudinal relaxation time, net polarization occurs due to partial extinction of nuclear polarization of the triplet state of the radical pair (Goldstein and Boxer 1987; McDermott et al. 1998). This extinction of polarization also leads to a significantly enhanced recovery rate of the polarization in steady-state experiments (Diller et al. 2007a).

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