Finally, the concentrations in the inner tube and outer vessel become equal, resulting in ceasing of oscillations, i.e., equilibrium. The oscillations observed in the time domain were expanded for observing the inner details of each phase. On step-wise expansion, the individual signals were visible for citric acid (1.0 mol dm−3) (Fig. 5). The signals were similar to sine wave. The signals remained nearly same among various concentrations of citric acid, which are characteristic of citric acid. This pattern was confirmed with other sour taste stimulants, which indicated the uniformity of the signals (Fig. 5). Ipatasertib research buy Therefore, for the qualitative analysis,
the signals obtained from the up-flow would be ideal. Thus, the present study demonstrated the characteristic signals (qualitative analysis) of sour selleck taste category. Peak was obtained at 50 Hz, which may be characteristic of the sour category. This observation was closer to the earlier report of 60 Hz for sour taste category.9 The hydrodynamic oscillations were characterized and the phases were identified as down-flow and up-flow instrumentally, which were confirmed by visual observation. Further, the flow behavior of the oscillations was explained by electrical
double layer concept. The characteristic signals were the same for the four sour taste stimulants and each signal was found to occur for a few milliseconds (≈200 ms). This report gave qualitative identification of sour taste category. The characteristics frequency was found at 50 Hz. Such information enhances the scope of investigations Bumetanide of hydrodynamic oscillations in
general, and sour taste in particular. Such studies also pave way to the development of tools for taste analysis, on parallel lines of spectrophotometric analysis. All authors have none to declare. The authors dedicated this research article to Late Prof. R.C. Srivastava, for his deep interest in this area and helpful suggestions. Our thanks to Prof. M. Chakraborty, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, and Mr. Vineeth Chowdary, a student of B. Tech., for their support. “
“Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) commonly referred to as HIV & AIDS have emerged as being amongst the most serious and challenging public health problems in the world. There are two species of HIV, namely, HIV 1 and HIV 2 with their respective subspecies. HIV 1 is the global common infection whereas the latter is restricted to mainly West Africa. HIV infection in the human body results mainly from the integration of the viral genome into the host cell for the purpose of cell replication.1 The current clinical therapy, known as highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART), is considered as one of the most significant advances in the field of HIV therapy.