Conclusion The study by Quinn and colleagues provides additional

Conclusion The study by Quinn and colleagues provides additional rationale to test DHA for prevention, with focus on non-ApoE4 carriers, but problems with DHA dosing and oxidation need to be addressed (particularly BI 6727 if an antioxidant could correct a failed ApoE4 response to DHA). Additional preclinical studies of stage-dependent efficacy and ApoE4-DHA interaction may help to clarify whether ApoE genotype affects outcomes and how this can be mitigated, possibly with antioxidants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Beyond pharmacogenomic roadblocks emerging with DHA and other interventions, all of the epidemiology and most of the animal model data that have been generated are most relevant to early stage interventions, but have been translated in clinical trials in mild to moderate AD, potentially resulting in an intent-to-treat the wrong group.

The pre-clinical conclusions may not be wrong, but simply still lost in this translation. Abbreviations A??: ??-amyloid; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; ADAS-Cog: Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive; ADL: Activities of Daily Living; ApoE: apolipoprotein E; CDR: Clinical Dementia Rating; DHA: docosahexaenoic acid; MIDAS: Memory Improvement with DHA Study; MMSE: mini-mental state examination; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; NPI: Neuropsychiatric Inventory. Competing interests GMC has received reimbursements from Martek Biosciences for travel and lectures that he has presented on DHA and as a member of their expert panel. SAF has no competing financial interests Authors’ contributions GMC and SAF made equal contributions in writing this commentary.

Author information GMC is Associate Director of the Mary S Easton University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and of the Veteran’s Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Core (GRECC). SAF is Chief of Neurogerontology at the GRECC, and both SAF and GMC are Professors of Medicine and Neurology at UCLA. GMC and SAF have contributed to the field in elucidating mechanisms in Alzheimer’s and developing models for translation. Acknowledgements We thank the Mary S Easton Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Brefeldin_A Program and VA Merits for funding (SAF, GMC) and NIH R01AG13471 (GMC), NIH R01AT03008 (GMC), NIH R01AG021795 (SAF), NIH U01AG028783 (SAF), NIH RC1AG035878 (SAF, GMC).

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) afflicts an estimated 24 million people in the world, with an expected increase to over 80 million people by the year 2040 [1]. AD causes an selleck inhibitor insidious and progressive loss of cognitive function and independence, taking a heavy personal and financial toll on the patient and the family. Because of the severity and increasing prevalence of the disease in the population, it is urgent that better treatments be developed.

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