After washing with PBS, the cells were re suspended

After washing with PBS, the cells were re suspended Ganetespib cancer in ice cold 1 binding buffer and treated with 10 uL propidium iodide on ice in the dark. Apoptosis was quantified by flow cytometry at the wavelength of 488 nm immediately and analyzed by the Cell Quest software. Flow cytometry assay and measurement of ROS Cells were diluted to 3. 0 105 per mL, seeded into si well plate with 2 mL in each well. SW620 cells and MDA MB 231 cells were treated with hirsutanol A for indicated times or treated with various concentrations of hirsutanol A for 24 h, or pre incubated with 1 mmol L NAC or 1 umol L SP600125 followed by hirsutanol A for 24 h, then incubated with 1 umol L CM H2DCF DA or DHE florescent dye in dark for 1 h at 37 C. After washing twice with ice cold PBS, cells were centrifuged and re suspended in PBS.

The level of intracellular ROS was detected by flow cytometry with FACS Calibur system and CellQuestPro analysis software. Immunoblotting analysis Cells were seeded into si well plate, treated with hirsu tanol A for indicated times or pre incubated with NAC for 1 h followed by hirsutanol A for 24 h. Cells were har vested and washed twice with PBS and lysed in lysis buf fer. The cell lysates were clarified by centrifugation at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4 C and the protein concentration was determined using the Bio Dacomitinib Rad protein assay. SDS PAGE sample buffer was added to cell lysates. Then the cell lysates were heated at 100 C for 5 min, and cell lysates containing 20 40 ug protein was loaded in each well of 8% and 15% SDS PAGE gel.

Resolved proteins were electrophoretically transferred to PVDF membrane, which was incubated sequentially with primary antibody and horseradish per o idase conjugated second antibody. After washing, the bound antibody comple was detected using an ECL chemiluminescence reagent and AR film as described by the manufactures. siRNA transfection The target sequence for JNK specific siRNA was 5 and control siRNA considering were synthesized by GenChem Co. One day before transfection, cells were plated in si well plates with antibiotic free growth medium at a density of 1. 5 105 cells per well. When cells grew to a confluency of 30 50% on the second day, transfection was per formed by using Opti MEM media, lipofectamine 2000 and JNK siRNA according to manufacturers recommen dations. The final concentration of JNK siRNA was 100 nM. After 6 h, the Opti MEM media was replaced with the antibiotic free growth media and cells were treated with 20 umol L hirsutanol A for 3 h. Cells transfected with lipofectamine 2000 were used as control. Mitochondrial cytosol fractionation The isolation of cell mitochondrial and cytosolic frac tions was performed using mitochondria cytosol frac tionation kit according to the following protocol.

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