Many had been attending psychiatric clinics over several years. The chief criteria for eligibility were severe OCD unresponsive to standard treatment measures which resulted in great personal suffering and extreme limitation in the person’s lifestyle. The severity of the OCD was rated using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) [Goodman et al. 1989]. Three of the patients had other diagnoses in addition to their OCD: one had schizophrenia; one had bipolar 1; and one had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical dyslexia. Three of the cases will be described in some detail and the remainder in outline. Sublingual buprenorphine was Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical introduced at 200 μg a day and increased after 1 week to 200 μg twice a day after
1 week. Further 200 μg dose increments were made according to response. The patient’s standard medication was not altered. Cyclizine 50 mg three times a day on demand was prescribed in the initial phase of treatment in case the side effect of nausea emerged. To gauge the robustness and reproducibility of the response, buprenorphine was discontinued and then restarted once the symptoms of OCD had returned. Case reports Case1 This patient had had incapacitating OCD and secondary depression for some 60 years. The OCD took the form of her obsessional belief Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that if she looked at someone, then they would suffer serious harm or even die. This belief rendered her essentially housebound and unable to shop because she would be obliged to constantly retrace her steps to make sure that someone she had passed by in the shop was Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical still alive. At the end of her clinic appointments she would return three or more times to look around the door of the consulting
room to reassure herself that the clinician was still unharmed. Over the years she had tried all the available antidepressants and had received electroconvulsive therapy. There was Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical some minimal improvement on high-dose fluvoxamine, which was the antidepressant she was taking when first seen by one of the authors. She was too old to be considered for psychosurgery and did not wish to proceed with this option in any case. A literature search turned up a paper describing the use of morphine in the treatment of refractory OCD [Koran et al. 2005] and the patient agreed to give this treatment a trial. Accordingly she Idoxuridine was started on oral MST continus 5 mg twice a day. The improvement was remarkable for within a few days she was able to leave her flat, go shopping with a helper, and to start attending a day centre. When the MST was discontinued her symptoms returned and she again became housebound. She improved again check details following the reintroduction of MST. At a later date the case was brought to the attention of Professor Nutt [Nutt, 2007], who suggested that the MST be substituted with sublingual buprenorphine.