The authors believe that

The authors believe that selleck a large distortion of a residue in unrestrained refinement may hint at the presence of alternative conformations of this residue. To obtain these hints in a routine way, two methods of analyzing the read review shifts of atomic centres resulting from several cycles of unrestrained refinement are described. A Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries simple diagram plotting the values of the atomic shifts against the residue number may give an idea of the crystallographic order of different parts of the structure at a qualitative level. To put the analysis on a more quantitative basis, several decision-making procedures were developed and tested which compose a list of residues that are likely to be present in alternative conformations or to be disordered and so should be checked thoroughly using Fourier syntheses and included in the model with alternative conformations when necessary.

The parameters and performance of the suggested procedures were estimated by the use of 203 PDB structures Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries refined at resolutions better than 1.2 angstrom. Decision-making procedures based on analysis of atomic shifts were found to be more Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries reliable than similar procedures based Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries on atomic displacement parameters Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries or density values calculated at atomic centres.
The crystal structure of the protein augmenter of liver regeneration containing a 14-residue hexahistidine purification tag (hsALR) has been determined to 2.4 angstrom resolution by Cd-SAD using a highly redundant data set collected on a rotating-anode home X-ray source and processed in 1998.

The hsALR crystal structure is a tetramer composed of two homodimers bridged by a novel Cd2Cl4O6 cluster Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries via binding to the side-chain carboxylate Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries groups of two solvent-exposed aspartic acid residues. A comparison with the native sALR tetramer shows that Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the cluster dramatically changes the hsALR dimer-dimer interface, which can now better accommodate the extra 14 N-terminal residues associated with the purification tag. The refined 2.4 angstrom resolution structure is in good agreement with both the X-ray data (R-cryst of 0.165, R-free of 0.211) and the expected stereochemistry (r.m.s. deviations from ideality for bond lengths and bond angles of 0.007 angstrom and 1.15 degrees, respectively).

In Escherichia coli, the BAM complex is essential for the assembly and insertion of outer membrane proteins (OMPs). The BAM complex is comprised of an integral beta-barrel outer membrane protein BamA and four accessory lipoproteins BamB, BamC, BamD and BamE. Here, the crystal structure of BamB is reported. The crystal of BamB diffracted to 2.0 angstrom Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with one monomer Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in the asymmetric unit and extra resources the structure is composed article source of eight-bladed beta-propeller motifs.

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